BuckStore.com since 1999

Own a Dollar Store
Owning a dollar store is a dream come true for many entrepreneurial men and women. The pluses of owning a dollar store are a lot like the pluses of shopping in one; dollar stores offer a great deal of variety, novelty, and fun, all at a very affordable price.
Owning a dollar store can be very creative. While you'll want to stick to certain guidelines (for instance, what good is a dollar store without cleaning supplies or health and beauty items?) you'll also have a great deal of freedom when ordering inventory. For creative entrepreneurs who value the opportunity to try new things, Dollar Store Merchandise is like a playground. We carry more than 74,000 individual items in more than 40 discrete product categories.
We supply absolutely everything you'll need to appeal to your customers while fulfilling your own vision for what your dollar store can be. Your dollar store can and should have a style all its own. Whether the atmosphere of your store is whimsical and quirky, festive and romantic, traditional and utilitarian, or patriotic and family-oriented, Dollar Store Merchandise has the appropriate products with which to stock your shelves.
The more thought, care, and creativity that go into fulfilling your inventory needs, the more successful your store will be--and the more fun you'll have owning it. To learn more about our amazing variety of high-quality inventory, call us toll free at 877-549-5210, or visit us at www.DollarStoreMerchandise.com.